Monday, April 30, 2012

What does the future hold for the ANC Youth League and Julius Malema?

The former ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema’s future may look deadly but perhaps with the future ANC rulers it may turn brighter as they could approve his return to the party. There is still some hope for the youth league as well as Malema. He in return has to learn from his mistakes and become a better member abiding to the rules and laws assigned. Malema is still a young man and it is possible for him to revive his career, he could learn from experience and make a mark; a positive mark this second time around. There are mixed feelings towards him, especially after his suspension, some fear he will repeat his mistakes and embarrass the party again but others feel he still belongs to the party and could still bring productivity. Malema’s actions have also been seen as a distraction to the party and thus have tried to deal with the matter quickly in order to deal with “making life better for South Africans. ANC spokesman said that Malema’s expulsion is “not something nice, we value every member, but our members have to abide by the (party) constitution,” Members of the ANC Youth League in Limpopo and Eastern Cape have supported their former leader and have settled that Malema will remain being their leader until the next elective conference in 2014. The will rally behind him until then and they will still seek to him for advice. The members claim he was elected by a membership and not President Jacob Zuma thus giving him them right to keep him as their leader regardless of the mishaps. For them appointing an acting president was not in the plan. Seems like Malema still has quite a lot of influence and may still have a strong hand. However there are opposing groups that are celebrating Malema’s expulsion and feel the Youth League is good without him. The ANC Youth League not having a solid leader is proving to be difficult and sad, however the party is trying it’s best to move forward. Young people still have faith in him and await his return. The leagues image has been tarnished in way because they never expected Malema to be sent out of the party in such a harsh way.