Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Depression at Monash (University)

- A Dangerous Affair

Depression is a mood disorder; it is when emotions such as feeling miserable, upset, angry or frustrated get in the way of your daily life. Many people have their off days when one just gets fed up when things are not going right in their everyday lives.

The stresses of university can sometimes weigh heavily on an individual. Starting at a new university can be exciting but all sorts of weird and strange emotions can be generated. Being away from home can prove to be difficult; learning how to adjust in a new environment and being independent is hard.

Making new friends and fitting in is also scary because there are many people surrounding from different backgrounds. One also has to live up to the social life – the parties, drinking etc. All of this could lead to depression be it minor or major. There are ways to feel calmer or to feel better about yourself. Talking to a friend about your problems may be helpful, catching up with sleep is also vital.

Third year Monash University student Monica Johnson, says “I couldn’t deal with all the pressure, so it all got to me”; many students feel like this all the time but are either scared to let their parents know which leads to cracking under pressure.

Counseling is also offered at Monash Univeristy, students can get whatever is bothering them of their chests and moral support is also offered. Depression isn’t always severe for everybody, it differs depending on how high or low your stress levels are. If one has been feeling low for more than two weeks it is highly recommended to consult a doctor or speak to your university’s student counselor. One can also use methods to boost your mood, like:

• Exercising
• Spending time with friends
• Taking a break from doing school work
• Sleeping more
• Speaking to somebody that is dear to you

Depression is a very serious issue because it can easily ruin a person’s world and only negative thoughts fill this persons mind. It is a good idea for a depressed person to talk to somebody so that they are in touch with reality because it is for them to create a world that is not existent and that is very damaging to them. Suicide can also cross a depressed persons mind as they feel hopeless. It is vital for such an individual to take care of themselves; they should be healthy and happy at all times.

By Kabelo Makatse

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